Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Life pt3

Being in army makes you forget about which day today is. Hahaha all i do is just wake up survive the whole day thn rest at night only. Did cpr lessons today, got my cert to say that i'm certified to do cpr. Not that i'll really do it. 

I'm really glad that my section are really fun people. People that push you forward, asking you to try harder, laugh together and get fucked together. So glad for them. They are the only current motivation i have to work harder for myself and as a whole section. 

I started to dream much more often too. Mostly about you. I sometimes really wonder why am i so hung up in this hopeless situation. It's not like it'll get better, it's not like you will ever want to get back with me. And its almost impossible that we'll get back tgt. You alwayd said you love me more thn i do for you. From wht i see right now, i seriously doubt it. Tbh i dont even know if i really love you, i just know i can't let go of you. Not soon not in the near future.


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